Friday, April 2, 2021

Fore! Shoulder Pain and Playing Golf

Golf… it’s a sport that calls to mind beautiful Saturday mornings, a cold beer at the club after a great 18-hole day, and that elusive birdie you’ve been trying to get for years. And while this all sounds pretty much idyllic, you might be surprised to know that playing golf causes nearly as many injuries as some contact sports! It’s true, and while shocking, it actually makes a lot of sense. The techniques players employ in their swings, gaits, and strokes, often have painful consequences for the back and shoulders. In fact, shoulder pain is so common amongst golfers that it has fast become one of the injuries we treat most often. So, in this post we chat to you about what it means to have shoulder pain, how you know it’s golf-related, and what to do if you’re suffering from it right now. With that having been said, let’s tee up and get started!

For all you golfing enthusiasts out there, the title probably makes some sense. No doubt you’ve yelled ‘fore’ out onto the green after miscalculating the wind gusts, right? Well, just as you might warn the unsuspecting golfers out ahead of you, so too your body yells its equivalent of ‘fore’ at you when it’s in distress and pain. Really, as you’re playing golf you might actually feel a tug, a pull, or even discomfort in your shoulder as you swing – that’s your body telling you to ‘watch out’ and ‘look out ahead’. In fact, it’s your body’s extremely sophisticated way of warning you about probable damage and/or injury to your shoulder if you continue swinging the way you are. And yet, despite this impressive alarm system, many golfers continue to swing through the pain as though it will disappear on its own. And what a mistake that is! For those who ignore the signs, shoulder pain is really just a few yards away.

Well, what happens if you’ve ignored the warning signs and are now experiencing shoulder pain and discomfort? What does that mean and what can be done? One thing to understand is that the shoulder is a complex joint; the movement and mobility of it hinges on the rotator cuff, that is, the section of your shoulder made up of muscles and tendons designed to keep your arm in the socket of your shoulder. Hence, shoulder pain in this area is often referred to as a rotator cuff injury and, yes, you guessed it, these are most commonly seen amongst avid golfers.

It’s not too difficult to take a guess as to why the rotator cuff is at risk during a golf game. The movement involved in swinging your club actually places massive amounts of strain on the rotator cuff, causing the muscles and tendons to twist and bend in ways that are mostly unnatural to them. So, while repeatedly swinging a golf club overhead may well be great for your game, it’s not equally as good for your shoulder. The constant, unvarying repetition of a single incorrect movement can, in fact, wreak havoc later down the line. In effect, golf actually places your shoulder at a much highest risk of injury than almost any other sport.

And, unfortunately, the pain that accompanies a rotator cuff injury is far from pretty. Symptoms include the following:

·         Aches and pain in the shoulder itself.
·         Weakness when raising the shoulder.
·         Popping sounds in your shoulder as you swing.
·         Difficulty doing routine tasks: combing hair, brushing teeth, showering.
·         Difficulty holding things above waist height.
·         Trouble sleeping.
·         Loss in your range of motion.

In addition to all of the above, experiencing a shoulder injury while you are playing golf means that all aspects of your life will be affected. From your actual game, to your social life, family life, and peace of mind. We have met so many patients who, before coming to see us, have felt completely defeated by their golfing injuries.

So, what can be done? If you haven’t yet experienced an injury, that’s great. However, it doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods yet. It is absolutely vital that you learn the correct golfing posture and swinging technique in order to avoid injuries in the future. A physical therapist will gladly help you with this information. Wear the right golfing gear, too, and be mindful of the weight you carry out on the green.

If, however, you are currently experiencing shoulder pain related to golf, the best possible action you can take is to visit a qualified, hands-on, professional physical therapist. A physical therapist will treat the root cause of your problem, thereby relieving pain effectively and safely and making sure that your recovery is a permanent one. There are no temporary solutions, here. Furthermore, a physical therapist will give you specific, tailor-made exercises that you can do at home in order to ensure that you remain pain free. What’s more, you’ll learn the correct techniques for the best golf game of your life. You know as well as we do that your golfing prowess is less about how hard you swing the club, but much more about how you do it. Find out what’s best for you by visiting a physical therapist today.

We know how debilitating shoulder pain can be, especially if you love golf. Unfortunately, getting back into the swing of things can be a struggle. If you’re not sure how to do it, or where to start, we invite you to talk to one of our professional, friendly physical therapists, today. We’ll eliminate your pain and get you back to playing the game you love.  Find out more about cost and availability.

Your Guide to Stress Management

Stress can be a killer: from making you lose sleep, to raising your blood pressure and alienating loved ones, it can have a massive impact on not only your mental wellbeing, but your physical health, too. Stress places pressure on your heart, tightens your muscles and causes you to lose flexibility and mobility over time, too; stress can literally rob you of your independence in many ways. 

This post comes at a time where each and every one of us – globally – has had to deal with more stress overall, and juggling the COVID-19 pandemic, financial pressure, and trying to maintain our physical health, has been taking a serious toll.

In this post, then, I offer you some guidelines for dealing with stress – I hope these tips will promote a better, relaxed lifestyle, a healthier body, and a happier you. Follow along and try your best to implement them throughout your day. Here we go!

Exercise Matters!
I think you knew this might be the first tip, right? Stress and exercise are just not compatible –they are a bit like water and oil. As we get stressed, our bodies don’t produce as much endorphins or serotonin as they normally would. Hormone production is relegated to other parts of the body in order to deal with the stress in a bid to deploy crises management strategies. When we exercise, though, we facilitate the production of endorphins and serotonin, thereby lifting our moods and allowing us to tackle stress in a renewed and healthful way. Going for a nice walk, jog, or gym work-out can do wonders in terms of flipping the script on stress – give it a go… after reading the rest of this post, of course!

Cutting down on Caffeine
You might not have wanted to see this one, here… but, it’s true. Caffeine can cause our stress levels to sore, as sadly, it increases anxiety and tension. In fact, your morning Java may be doing you more harm than good because, in addition to increasing anxiety, caffeine disrupts sleep patterns, thereby increasing stress further. Cutting down on caffeine intake by drinking more herbal teas is a good place to start.

Water for the Win
On that note, stress thrives on dehydration. Drinking enough water throughout your day is vital in maintaining both a healthy mind and body. Water lubricates your muscles, feeds the brain, and gives you a feeling of health and wellbeing that other drinks simply can’t give. Yes, there is water in your coffee, tea, and orange juice, but there is also unwanted sugar, caffeine, and preservatives. Keep it clean and fuel your body with wholesome fluids.

Looking After your Mind and Body: Self-Care
We live in a world that seems to have been spun off of its center: from pandemics, to protests, to technology, to wars, things can seem all but too much. So, self-care is incredibly important. We need to take time to assess our lifestyle choices and our situations – doing so will not only introduce a sense of control, but will also give us serenity in stressful situations. 

Why not try meditating or doing some Yoga, for example? Step away from the screens, make a nice cup of tea, and take to a mat. While you may not be a Tibetan yogi, taking some time to put a little incense on, listen to some calming music, and concentrate on nothing but your body, is a powerful way of centering yourself and reigning in those stressful thoughts. You can meditate while walking or running, too. If that’s not for you, though, try doing something you love a few times a week; maybe you like to read, go to spas, take long baths, or bake – just make sure you prioritize that time for yourself, as doing so will give you the resilience to tackle the outside stresses.

Breathe Correctly
Isn’t it odd how such an instinctual mechanism can actually contribute greatly to the level of stress you experience? Breathing is essential in maintaining a healthy, happy, stress-free you.

Most of us breathe from our chests, thereby resulting in flat breathing… which doesn’t necessarily circulate oxygen as successfully as it ought to. If we focus on breathing from our diagrams, however, oxygen is more readily available and our blood oxygen levels increase significantly. The result? You feel healthier, more energetic, and you certainly feel more capable of dealing with external pressures that cause stress. Breathing techniques can be learned – all that you need is an open mind and willingness to learn! Start taking some deeper breaths, right now!

So, there you have it: some powerful tips for overcoming the stress in your life. It’s not easy, though, and we understand that. But, we also know that keeping on top of stress is a necessary step in maintaining health and wellbeing, both mentally and physically. 

If you are unsure of where to start, you feel overwhelmed, or feel the negative physical/mental effects of chronic stress in your life, please contact me. Though you may not have known this, qualified, professional physical therapists can help you relieve your stress. In addition, if an existing injury is in and of itself causing you stress, please reach out. I can help relieve your pain, ease muscle tension teach and guide you through invaluable, tailor-made techniques for avoiding the stresses you encounter on a daily basis.  I can offer you the tools to help you stave off stress in the future, and can even help you with your breathing!

So, please, contact me today – you are not alone and I am here to help.
I really want you to be healthy, happy, and stress free. The tips I went over in this post should act as guidelines for your life – get out there and do some exercise, drink enough water, moderate technology use, and make sure you give yourself time to unwind. Stay healthy and happy!